Characteristics of Computer

Characteristics of computer System are as follows:

1) Speed

A computer can work very fast. A computer can perform millions of instructions in just a few seconds which humans can take an hour or day for the same calculation. The speed of the computer is measure in terms of a microsecond or nanosecond. 

2) Accuracy

A computer is very accurate. It can perform millions of instructions with the same accuracy and speed. The degree of accuracy of the computer is very high. The error in the computer is due to human it may be incorrect data or faulty instruction or program.

3) Versatility

A computer is a versatile machine it means that computers perform completely different types of work. You can enjoy multimedia, word processing, printing, and communicating jobs from one platform to another without closing others. This type of facility has made it versatile. This is also known as multitasking. Multitasking means a user can do different types of tasks on the computer at the same time.

4) Reliability

A computer is reliable as it gives consistent results for a similar set of data. The output generated by the computer is reliable only when the data, instructions, and programs enter into the computer are correct and reliable.

5) Automation

A computer is an automatic machine because once the instructions or program input into the computer it works automatically until the execution of a program is complete.

6) Storage Capacity

Computers have a very large storage capacity. Computers have the ability to store all types of data such as pictures, files, programs, games, and sound in their storage device for many years and users can retrieve these data any time in few seconds.

7) Diligence

A computer is free from tiredness, lack of concentration, and fatigue, etc. It can work for hours without generating any errors. It can perform millions of instructions with the same accuracy and speed.

8) No feeling

A computer does not have feelings or emotions, taste, knowledge, and experience. It cannot do any work without instruction from the user

9) Power of Remembering

As we know, computers have very large storage capacity. It has the ability to store all types of data in its secondary storage device. Users can recall any information whenever require even after several years. A computer only forgets or loses information when a user wants to do it.


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